A Sisu Guide To Mindfulness

Being mindful is an important thing to be conscious of. It may allow us the chance to take a break from our busy schedules and consider the occurrences taking place all around us. As we become more conscious of our surroundings and comfortable with our own thought processes, we can reflect as better people - which can also have an effect on those around us.

Here are some ways that I find best for engaging in the practice of mindfulness.

Waking up early. 

I find peace in knowing that mornings are a time of solace, where no matter what the day ahead holds, a morning is somewhat promised. Understandably, it can be a difficult habit to introduce, but doing so can allow for more time to set the intention and organisation of your day, alluding to a clearer mind. 


Being present in your surroundings. 

Take the time to observe and appreciate even the mundane surroundings. This may be done whilst on a walk, commuting, or even when in the company of others. Having a moment to center your thoughts through stillness or gratitude can assistance with aligning you with your intentions, and allows you to shift focus onto how you may be presenting yourself throughout this day. If incorporating a mindfulness break doesn't come naturally to you, setting a daily reminder might be useful.



Putting down thoughts on paper—whether it's a journal entry, a list of goals, ideas, or statements of gratitude—allows you to empty your mind, and is a calming ritual, that is also nice to revisit.


Spend time alone.

It's important to be able to appreciate and enjoy the solitude of your time. We propose taking the time to schedule an occasional solo date or ritual. This could be simply a walk outdoors, shopping, or taking yourself out to coffee. Additionally, it can be nice to go out and do one of these in a different neighborhood or town that is perhaps further away from your home, for a change of scenery. Although it is understandably daunting for some, having alone time can be a healthy way to recharge, destress, and recenter yourself.


Create a daily ritual. 

Even if it's a basic task, having consistent rituals to perform can make you feel a sense of accomplishment and productivity. Additionally, it can provide a sense of structure for within your day, which can be both comforting and motivating.
Simple everyday rituals might include exercise, making your bed, reading a few chapters, working on a side-hustle, a skincare routine, journaling or meditation.


Creating > consuming.

You may be familiar with the feeling of overwhelm brought on by the vast amount of content outlets on our radar. Being on the other side of consumption can be often disregarded. Therefore, I see the importance in making an effort to try to create just as much as we consume. Developing new skills, working on a passion project, writing, taking and editing photos or videos, or simply just helping others are ways that one can create.

Being mindful of the content you consume is also equally important. Following social media accounts which inspire you and align with your interests, rather than make you feel down. Listen to and read insightful outlets, rather than engage with negativity. This can impact your mood and outlook immensely, and is an easy change which can attribute a lot of difference. 

Be honest with yourself in recognising the accounts which may disturb you and mute or unfollow them. Instead, find profiles which align with your interests or mindset - like a photographer, fashion inspiration, poetry, business or entrepreneurial insights or health and wellness.

  • A few of our favourite neutral accounts: @databutmakeitfashion, @icietnu, @samyoukilis, @newyorkersinthecity, @stylenotcom, @cinemamonamour, @kaylabarnes, @modernmind___, @bof, @parisiensinparis, @poetryisnotaluxury,  @bewellbybella, @thephilosophyquote


Be mindful of your consumption. It is important to have balance, but also to reflect on what you are exposing yourself to (content, food, music, people) and how it makes you feel. Evaluating and adjusting your current framework in regards to this is crucial.

Life is only as good as your mindset. 


Sunday In New York


October Moodboard